At Isabel & The Runaway Train, we believe that
Learn more below.
Anna Westbrook, Creator of Isabel & The Runaway Train
Junice Rockman, Neuropsychotherapist | M.A., LPC-i, LCDC-i |
Supervised by Reem Glasco, LPC-S |Marriage-Family|Trauma|Addiction|EMDR|
The Isabel community was created by Anna Westbrook, who is an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse. Please note that Anna Westbrook is not a counselor, therapist or legal advisor.
Rather, she is a survivor, artist and communications consultant with a proven history of changing culture. She also has over 15 years of teaching experience and a background in educational management and professional development.
As such, she has a unique perspective through which to recommend resources for your team. This list of resources was curated by Anna & her associates to help individuals assess and improve their ability to support survivors. The list is not sponsored by any governmental agency and does not confer a government certification or license.
The Isabel community makes no claims, guarantees, promises, or warranties of any kind with respect to the contents of this list.
With over a decade of experience working as a Certified Life Coach, Media Correspondent and Public Speaker, today she works as a Neuropsychotherapist in both Private Practice and a Medical setting. Dr. Rockman integrates Neuropsychology, Family Systems Theory, EMDR, CBT, Integrative Nutrition and Trauma Informed Therapy to treat clients and patients. She is passionate about helping individuals and couples unlock their potential, overcome unhealthy relational patterns and behavioral addictions.
You may contact J-Rock through the information below:
Phone: 512-200-4315
Instagram: @jrocktherapy
Note from Anna on finding a Wellness Professional:
The Isabel community collaborates with excellent Austin-based wellness professionals to provide support options at our live events. For example, J-Rock (photo & contact info above) is a local wellness professional who has been an important collaborator since our premiere in 2018. Anna Westbrook currently consults J-Rock in reference to the online Isabel community.
Out of respect and and understanding for the difficulty of finding a therapist, Anna has featured J-Rock on the Isabel resource page (above) as an Isabel-aware resource for any survivors or supporters of survivors looking for an Austin-based therapist.
If financial considerations are a burden for finding a therapist, please know there are free counseling opportunities at the Austin YWCA. For affordable therapy in other U.S. areas, consider consulting Open Path.
Finding a therapist is a hard thing to do. Consider inviting a trusted member of your community to help you in your search. If you do not have someone you can trust to help you, then trust yourself and review the resources below.
If not, no worries, just scroll down
If you are experiencing a current threat…
Contact The SAFE Alliance: Stop Abuse For Everyone
Advocacy and crisis intervention/face-to-face emotional support is available Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 512.267.7233 for more information.
SAFE’s 24/7 confidential SAFEline is available for victims of [sexual maltreatment] Call 512.267.7233. Text: 737.888.7233
(Source: The SAFE Alliance: Stop Abuse For Everyone)
If your mental health is suffering…
Contact NAMI Austin: National Alliance On Mental Illness
Review NAMI’s crisis response page and their downloadable list of resources.
Contact the Austin YWCA
Free counseling options for survivors of abuse.
If you are ready to advocate for others…
Contact TAASA: Texas Association Against Sexual [Maltreatment]
Become a member, volunteer at one of their events, or attend their annual conference.
We can still help you find help.
If you need help recovering from an addiction…
DrugRehab is a web resource that provides information and support to people fighting addiction and related mental health disorders. To cope with the pain of domestic and sexual maltreatment, many survivors turn to the use of drugs and alcohol. The mission of DrugRehab is to be a support resource for those coping with theses issues.
Click here for Alcohol Addiction Support
Click here for Abuse & Sexual Maltreatment
Feel free to take a look at their guide to domestic abuse and guide to alcohol addiction, among other resources.
If you want to raise awareness about mental health needs…
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) works to inform the public about mental illness by distributing information about mental illness through every means of communication. Interviews are produced on television, stories are featured in newspapers, brochures are produced and distributed, referrals are provided and newsletters and other publications are utilized.
If you want to find an affordable therapist…
OPEN PATH Psychotherapy Collective is a nationwide network of mental health professionals dedicated to providing in-office mental health care—at a steeply reduced rate—to individuals, couples, children, and families in need. Provides middle and lower-income level individuals, couples, families, and children with access to affordable psychotherapy and mental health education services.
If you need access to mental health services…
SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Organization) addresses mental illness and substance use disorders by providing access to treatments and services, up to date research, and access to multiple programs and campaigns.
If you need early intervention and other mental health services…
MENTAL HEALTH AMERICA is dedicated to promoting mental health as a critical part of overall wellness. Includes prevention services for early identification and intervention for those at risk of mental illness. Provides information on integrated care, services, and supports for those who need it; with recovery as the goal.
If you need income-based mental health coverage.
MEDICAID and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) helps cover medical expenses for children and people with disabilities who meet income requirements. Services that are covered include: mental health and substance abuse, palliative care, prevention, women and children's health, and youth in foster care. Provides information for the different types of Medicaid and who qualifies.
If you need help ending an abusive relationship…
LOVEISRESPECT’s purpose is to engage, educate and empower young people to prevent and end abusive relationships. Free and confidential phone, live chat and texting services are available 24/7/365.
Text: loveis to 22522-trained advocates offer support, information and advocacy to young people who have questions or concerns about their dating relationships. Information and support is available to concerned friends and family members, teachers, counselors, service providers and members of law enforcement.
If you want to be guided through mental health resources in Texas over the phone…
TEXAS 211, a program of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, provides 24/7 access to information from state and local health and human services programs. No matter where you live in Texas, you can dial 2-1-1, or (877) 541-7905, and find information about resources in your local community. Services include everything from finding food or housing, child care, crisis counseling to substance abuse treatment.
If you need access to payment optional counseling and training in Texas…
NEW LIFE TEXAS Institute is a non-profit counseling and training organization, dedicated to changing lives by providing professional services to those in emotional or spiritual need regardless of ability to pay. New Life Institute sees clients of any age, race, sex, spiritual/relgious belief, sexual orientation, gender identity, political affiliation, and national/cultural background. By appointment only.
The Isabel community was created BY a survivor of sexual maltreatment FOR supporters-of-survivors. We can help you establish healthy long-term support for the sexual maltreatment survivors you are helping to heal.
1. Read one of our 1-page reports:
How To Take Care of Yourself After Hearing a Story of Sexual Maltreatment written by Isabel creator Anna Westbrook
Common Maltreatment Myths and How to Combat Them written by Isabel trainer Fernando Velez.
2. Book our training program for your team:
The Isabel Sexual Maltreatment Response Certification (for anyone looking to support a survivor in their personal or professional life).
How Healing Happens: Exiting the Drama Triangle (for professional advocates looking to learn new ways to frame their work and motivation to overcome professional struggles).
3. Take one of our assessments:
Pivot Leader Assessment (starts an online conversation with an Isabel trainer).
Children’s Community Awareness Assessment (starts an online conversation with an Isabel trainer).
4. Forward one of our open letters:
To Faith-Based Leaders (for individuals who hope their spiritual community will collaborate with the Isabel team and could use a pre-written introductory email).
To Schools & Community Centers (for parents or teachers who hope their community will collaborate with the Isabel team and could use a pre-written introductory email).