Get Isabel Certified!
What is the Isabel Sexual Maltreatment Response Certification?
Your safe introduction to survivor support. Being Isabel certified means feeling comfortable talking to a survivor of sexual maltreatment. This 90-minute arts-integrated training program can travel to your workplace and be a catalyst for cultural change. Created by composer, consultant & survivor Anna Westbrook, the Isabel Sexual Maltreatment Response Certification will prepare your team to respond supportively to a survivor when they choose to disclose. Build trust, teach empathy, and help change hearts and minds by bringing this program to your community.
Highlights of the Certification:
90-minute webinar (on-site workshop will be available again post-COVID).
1- 2 Facilitators: Anna Westbrook & Fernando Velez.
Arts-Integration: live music, lyric analysis, and video excerpts from Isabel and the Runaway Train.
Adaptable for 10-50 participants (can be adapted for larger groups upon request).

Pick the best training for your team/community:
Sales Reps & HR Leaders
Are you working with young professionals? Are you interested in retaining those professionals on your staff? You need the best HR programming available. You need to be talking about mental health and sexual maltreatment. Invest in our creative arts integrated social maltreatment awareness programs.
Faculty & Student Leaders
If a student on your campus shared that they were sexually maltreated, would your leaders know what to say? How can you train leaders to support survivors while maintaining their own emotional equilibrium? What are the appropriate ways to help and the unhelpful responses to watch out for? Address these questions and more in this safe introduction to sexual maltreatment survivor support.
Spiritual Community Leaders
If someone in your congregation told you that they were sexually maltreated, would you know what to say? How would you support them while maintaining your own emotional equilibrium? What are the appropriate ways to help? Address these questions and more in this safe introduction to sexual maltreatment survivor support.
Advocates & Crisis Response Centers
"How Healing Happens: Exiting the Drama Triangle" is an interactive workshop that equips people to discuss sexual maltreatment. We teach people to transition out of a victim mindset by blending Stephen Karpman's Drama Triangle and Cannon’s Trauma Response Theory with an analysis of Anna Westbrook's Isabel and the Runaway Train (the grassroots theatre project that took Austin by storm in July 2018). Why does it work? Trauma leads to drama. And consequently, intentionally leveraged drama can bring healing to survivors of traumatic events.
Military Leadership
Are you looking to proactively address the cultural environment of your troops? Hoping to raise awareness about modern social justice issues with established leaders in order to increase retention rates of your new recruits? You need the best HR programming available. You need to be talking about mental health and sexual maltreatment. Invest in our creative arts integrated social maltreatment awareness programs.

Participant Outcomes
The Isabel Sexual Maltreatment Response Certification will have a positive impact on your community. Here’s what to expect.
Feel empowered to respond appropriately to a survivor of sexual maltreatment while maintaining your own emotional equilibrium.
Identify your personalized connection to the Drama Triangle (as described by Dr. Stephen Karpman) and Cannon’s Trauma Response Theory.
Create healthier day-to-day interactions that reduce the risk of sexual maltreatment in your community.