improve with Isabel and the Runaway Train

Photo by Susannah Crowell, Graphic Design by Mackenzie Nissen and Anna Westbrook.

Are you and your students concerned about sexual abuse survivors?

Do you host mandated reporter trainings but feel like it isn’t enough?

Are you eager to learn about new SEL and DEI options?

Let's talk.

We want every member of your community to feel you are a SAFE place to share and heal from #metoo experiences.

Let's make supporting survivors normal.


Get Isabel Certified as an Individual!

While onboard this "train - ing" you will meet an imaginary character named Isabel who is a survivor of sexual maltreatment. After the training, if Isabel were real, you would feel ready to talk to her. This experience will prepare you to provide healthy support for the real "Isabels" in your life.

Once YOU are Certified, you can get a quote for a group package.


Get Isabel Certified as a District!

Your community can invest in a bulk licensing package which will provide access to the Isabel on - demand course to each member of your community. We require ONE member of your leadership to “Get Isabel Certified” as an individual before we begin discuss group quotes. We would never ask you to invest in something for your students that you didn’t test yourself.


  • Group Rate (discount based on number of participants.

  • Personalized Isabel Certificates for all participants.

  • Automated access to those Certificates for one District Admin.


  • Personalized pre and post training video messages from Isabel leadership.

  • Live online or in person follow up event(s) with the Isabel leadership (school assembly format recommended; co - host with on campus mental health professional recommended).

  • Personalized Content Adaptations: This is an introductory course and we purposefully summarize some concepts so that YOU can be free to address them as YOU see fit. Want us to say it for you? Feel free to ask us for an adaptation. If our values align, we are happy to help. Sometimes students listen to visiting educators with the novelty factor more closely than their consistent support system (we wish it weren’t so, consistent support members are amazing).


Produce the Isabel Show!

Do you want to experience the MAXIMUM Isabel Impact? Produce your OWN Isabel student production. Isabel and the Runaway Train is Anna Westbrook’s 2 hour jazz/folk musical that can help your community find healing, talk about mental health, and support survivors of sexual maltreatment.

Because we believe healing can happen.


Your community can produce Isabel and the Runaway Train.

  • Production Support: 

    • Official Isabel Script

    • Isabel Lead Sheets / Score (for live musicians)

    • Performance Backing Tracks / Sound Effect Tracks (for recorded music)

    • Practice Tracks (Original Cast Recording, access for cast / leadership)

    • 2018 ATX Premiere Footage

    Supplemental Support: 

    • Two Virtual Visits from Composer/Playwright

    • Private “Get Isabel Certified” Webinar for Cast / Crew

    • Front of House Programming Guide

    • Official Branding, Marketing and Sales Guide

    • Filming Access can be negotiated for an additional fee.